Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2.0

Last night a classmate of Jonas' (Anna) threw her own Thanksgiving dinner. She lived in the States and Thailand for a while and said she learned from the Thais the important of tradition (Thai people celebrate all holidays, kinda like us... cinco de mayo anyone?) Anyway, she did an awesome job! While she was cooking she had arranged a scavenger hunt for us! We were in 4 teams. Each destination had an envelope with a task. And then we had a list of things we could do for extra points (example, take a picture with the whole team on a swing, with a dog, with an old lady over 75) The first task was to make a turkey mask and take a picture with 3 strangers wearing it LOL then some of the other tasks were puzzles or questions. One task was we had to write a Haiku, well 3rd grade with Mrs. Fedoroff came flooding back to the Haiku poems we had to write, 5 syllabls, 7, 5. BOOM. We were the ONLY group that knew what a proper Haiku poem was :)

Here is the picture we had to write a Haiku about:

Big Bird's friends betrayed
On the table he was slayed
A good meal was made

Needless to say, OUR GROUP WON!! It felt pretty good because another girl in another group was talking a lot of trash and was pretty competitive (like me haha).

Here are some other highlights of the game:

Asking people to wear the turkey mask. Swedes are very very shy/reserved (until they are drunk) and so we could only get Asian exchange students at the bus stop to do it haha and even that was a challenge, but hilarious.

Second, when we asked an old lady to take a picture with us (well only one of our team mates could ask in Swedish) she told us no, and I still wasn't sure why, but I think she said she was scared. BUT for the points I still took a picture of her LMAO "its all about the competition!"

Highlights of the dinner: TURKEY AND PUMPKIN PIE!!! I think I mentioned in my last blog that the turkey was too expensive for us to buy, but Anna is a baller and bought enough Turkey and chicken to last a week... seriously. And another American there is married to a Swedish girl (its a very cute story: David studied as an exchange student here 2 years ago and Kiki his wife was his 'host Swede' meaning she was his contact person in Sweden to help him if he needed it, and now they're married!) Anyway he still lives in the States, shes working on getting her visa, but HE BROUGHT CANNED PUMPKIN from home!!! Did I mention in the last blog I went to 4 stores (5 if you include the Asian food store LOL) looking for pumpkin, but they don't sell it. So I was so so happy that there was a real pumpkin pie with whipped cream!

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