Friday, March 5, 2010

New Car

Hi!! So good news... I believe any day now my loan for my car will come from the bank and then I will be driving my new baby!!! Its a 2008 Mazda 3... Dark dark charcoal gray (aka black) with lots of perks! Low miles, I-pod hook up, volume control in the steering wheel, plus things I haven't even explored yet! I've already named him, yes its my first male car. His is The Prince, Prince for short. Roxanne and Hildegarde shall never be forgotten... but I'm pretty excited. Here are some pictures!

I also have a second interview for a job here, so I'll keep everyone posted once I know how that goes.

Lets see what I've been up to these past few days. Car and work stuff of course, last night Whitney and Jon had me and a guy over for dinner and games. It was pretty hilarious... I just don't recommend 4-person Catch Phrase unless you're ready for a heated game haha. Update on my cheesecake: it was a 'Mexican Cheesecake' and I attempted to make it Dulce de Leche style also... HOWEVER I used store bought carmel since I couldn't find any dulce de leche. It smelled like syrup lol (maple syrup) but I'm still please I baked it right. Tonight I had a great night at work... and tomorrow Amanda (my cousin) and I are heading to South Jordan to visit our cousin Michelle and her adorable family. I should probably go to sleep so I can wake up in time! Have a great night everyone. Love you!!

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