Sunday, October 4, 2009


Well today is national cinnamon bun (kanelbulle) day here in Sweden. Has this made headlines all over the news and papers... I wouldn't know :) but it seems to be a pretty well known 'holiday' here. Jonas and I took a walk today (to be described later) and tried to find an open bakery... but they were closed. Do they not want to capitalize on this day devoted to the nations favorite baked good!? So instead of eating a cinnamon bun, I'm lighting my cinnamon bun scented candle from IKEA, that's pretty patriotic.

So this walk... the afternoon looked like a sunny autumn day. We decided to take a walk around the lake. We stopped in my favorite imitation dollar store (รถ&b.. i call it an imitation because everything is U.S. dollar store quality, but normal priced!) When we left, it was pouring out! The store is about a 35 minute walk away... we tried to wait out the rain a bit... but finally decided to head out. Bad idea. I had my scarf (you always have to wear a fashion scarf in Sweden, its like country dress code) wrapped around my head like an old Russian grandma and tried to bear the weather. Okay, my face was freezing and we had to walk around the lake to get home... which is the worst place to be when its bad weather because its colder there and the wind is even more intense. Needless to say I was a baby and pretended like we were never going to make it back. As you can see from this blog, we did.

Good news everyone. Starting at the end of the month I will begin a Swedish course. I hope I learn more than I already know (because I've learned quite a bit on my own.) I also hope that they offer more than just this introduction course for us and that I can get into higher levels later. Oh, I'm almost done with my first 2 classes. Just 1 presentation, 1 paper and 1 exam. Yay!

Okay Jonas and I are about to watch District 9... have a good week!

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