So classes started this week. The semester is set up different here, really different! So I have 4 classes this semester, but only 2 at a time. So from now until the end of October I have two classes... then take my exams and start the second set of classes that will go until Christmas. Pretty cool huh!? So right now my classes are (okay, I literally just had to get up and check my folders to see what the names of my classes are... haha!) Introductory Analysis of the Experience Industries (aka the Swedish way of saying the Entertainment Industries) and Doing Business in the Media Industries... SUPER COOL HUH!? Actually I think its going to be awesome. However the damn university tricked me and the other people in my program. So when I applied it said, 'no economic background needed' So I get here and find out, I am earning an ECONOMICS degree!!! WHAT! I almost failed macro econ back at Dearborn lol, how I am supposed to earn a degree in it?! 99% of the other students were pretty shocked by this news as well... but I've already decided its going to be okay and I'm going to make it work! So the group of people in my program is really small. The school only accepted 20 kids out of 300 that applied to the program... and from that 20 that accepted only about 10 actually came. So thats pretty small! Our classes are bigger because other students find the class topics interesting as well, so they take it as elective courses. Get this, my Business in the Media class has 41 students in it, only 1 being from Sweden!! Can you believe that?! Its crazy that I have kids in my class from (these are the places I can remember...) Greece, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Turkey, Hungary, Lithuania, Germany, Belgium, China, Singapore, Russia, Iraq, Thailand... okay I can't even go on! But anyway, the first week of lectures went well, and today I survived the first econ lecture! So the focus this week was school... I applied for my Swedish civic number (that anyone gets who lives in the country longer than a year... this gets me my free health care baby!) and I tried out a Swedish aerobics class at the nearby gym... probably the highlight of my week. Being yelled at by a sweaty Swede to "KOMEN IGEN!!!" (the instructor encouraging us to 'come on!') haha He gave me a shout out, welcoming me since he knew I wasn't Swedish... it was really fun, me and my friend Caroline are planning on taking another class tomorrow.
The only other thing I was planning on blogging was my Inglourious Basterds experience. So for those of you that have seen it know that the film is half in subtitles. Yup... the subtitles were in Swedish here... so since the actors were speaking German/French and the subtitles were in Swedish I missed a lot of the movie... bummer. Anyway, still alive and having fun. Thinking of you and wishing you guys a great weekend!